Agenda - Approved

Washburn County
1600 County Highway H
Spooner WI 54801
Phone: (715) 635-4480 Fax: (715) 635-4485
TO: Christopher Thompson
Romaine Quinn
Hank Graber
Sandy Johnson
Tim Kessler
Thomas Mackie, Ex-Officio
Agenda and Minutes
News Media
FROM: Frank Scalzo, Highway Commissioner
MEETING DATE: 05/21/2018
TIME: 8:00 AM
PLACE: Highway Facility Meeting Room

Discussion and/or Action may be taken on any or all agenda items

  1. Call meeting to order:
  2. Roll Call:
  3. Election of Chairperson:
  4. Election of Vice Chairperson:
  5. Review/Approve Minutes:
  6. Citizens Comment:
  7. Correspondence:
  8. Bid Award: 13-18M Crackfill various county roads:
  9. Birch Lake Dam Agreement with Sawyer County – Bruce Paulsen:
  10. Presentation by John Sanders to designate certain county roads as bicycle routes:
  11. Updates: Slim Creek Dam: DFA, EAP & IOMP; CTH MD Long Lake Phase II; CTH P; CTH F (Loop); CTH E Town Hall to STH 63; CTH D – D (STP Rural):
  12. Citizens Comment:
  13. Commissioner’s Report:
  14. Review/Approve Vouchers:
  15. Announcements, Reports and Future Agenda Items:
  16. Set Next Meeting Date:
  17. Adjourn meeting:


Respectfully Submitted Lesa Dahlstrom, Office Operations Manager

Copy via Email: County Clerk; Department Heads; News Media

Individuals with qualifying disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act, in need of accommodations, should contact the County Clerk’s Office at 715-468-4600 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Upon request, this agenda is available in large type by contacting the County Clerk’s office at 715-468-4600.

Copy via Email: County Clerk; Department Heads; News Media. Individuals with qualifying disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act, in need of accommodations, should contact the County Clerk’s Office at 468-4600 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.


A majority of the members of the County Board of Supervisors or of any of its committees may be present at this meeting to listen, observe and participate.  If a majority of any such body is present, their presence constitutes a “meeting” under the Open Meeting Law as interpreted in State ex rel. Badke v. Greendale Village Board, 173 Wis. 2d 553 (1993), even though the visiting body will take no action at this meeting.